Genie Timeline Home 10 Free Lifetime License - Best Backup Suite for Windows

No matter where your data are kept—on your computer, external discs, or network drives—Genie Timeline Home makes it simple to continuously secure every one of them. Genie Timeline automatically protects newly created and modified files without any user input.

A time machine for Windows is called Genie Timeline Home. The program performs continuous and real-time data protection.

It can back up many different sorts of data. This includes your computer's system files, emails, papers, music, images, and everything else.

In the background, the software backs up your data. You may restore deleted and backed-up files with a click.

By backing up all files, Genie Timeline Home 10 provides simple protection for your PC.

You can choose a period of 30 minutes, many hours, or once per day, or Timeline 10 Home will use its own logic (IntelliCDP) to back up files at suitable intervals (but not in real-time) without significantly affecting your workday and computer performance. The daily option does not allow you to set a time; instead, it just resumes when it detects that 24 hours have passed.

Additionally, you can manually run a backup at any time. Real-time is no longer the performance suck real-time was in 2009 because computers are much quicker now. In its upcoming Timeline upgrade, Genie ought to take this functionality into consideration.

Like Time Machine, Timeline 10 Home only offers one task covering one set of data: backing up your local computer. That will do for the majority of users. However, prosumers who wish to back up to numerous places using various data types can find this restriction to be constrictive.

You only need to set it once and you won't ever experience file loss again.

A real-time backup solution for all of your files and folders is Genie Timeline Home.

This backup application is simple to use and will maintain copies of all the things you want on your computer.

The project was supposed to function as Windows Time Machine. All of your files and folders are automatically and seamlessly backed up in real-time.

The first comprehensive backup program is Genie Timeline Home 10. It strives to safeguard all of the data on your computer.

With simply three steps, the software makes it simple to back up your crucial personal files.


  • Useful software that is stable and well-designed
  • The use of backup search and Explorer integration makes file restoration simple.
  • There are good scheduling alternatives (30min onwards)
  • The infinite possibility of file versioning (max GB or max number of days to retain)
  • Assistance with cloud storage (Amazon S3)
  • No disc cloning software
  • Per PC, only one backup set is supported.
  • Backup reporting was present (requires SMTP credentials)
  • Event-based planning (run backup upon external drive being plugged in)
  • Few possibilities for compression (choose either off or off)
  • No support for encryption
  • Very user-friendly, with a good selection of features
  • Good value for just $29 in a single payment.

Get Genie Timeline Home 10 Free

Visit this giveaway page to receive a free license for the simple backup solution (valued at $39.95). Here: Giveaway 1 Or, Giveaway 2

To get the license code, enter your name and email address and press the "Send" button.

Use the serial number you were given to register after downloading the installer from the developer page: here


  • Only for personal use.
  • You must have to activate it within the giveaway period.
  • If you update you may lose your license.
  • No free tech support.
  • Not for Resale.

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Hi, this is Mr. Freemium. If you have any questions related to this blog you can find us here on telegram @mrfreemium Or, you can mail us here: Thank you.

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