Fileside File Manager - Sleek Multi-Pane File Manager Free Full Version for Windows & Mac OS


Fileside is a cutting-edge, multi-pane file manager with a unique organizational structure. The primary problem that Fileside attempts to solve is the ongoing requirement to open many windows, travel to the necessary places in each one, and then laboriously resize and position them side-by-side in order to begin moving data.

With Fileside, you are able to add as many panes as you'd like, both horizontally and vertically. You can then navigate to the places that are necessary for the task at hand, and store the arrangement for quick access in the future.

Additionally, it has functions like search, completely undo, previews, favorites, complex folder merging, archive compression/extraction, etc.

With features like tiled folder panes, user-defined layouts, numerous conflict-handling procedures when rearranging things, and more, Fileside is a sleek tool that makes it simple to manage your files.

It is a different file browser for Windows and Mac computers. It addresses fundamental issues like repeatedly opening numerous windows, navigating to the necessary places in each one, and then laboriously resizing and aligning them side by side to start moving files.

Users who desire an easy way to organize, save, and retrieve their data will love Fileside. Everything you need to easily store and retrieve your files is included in this software.

This app's strengths include multi-window capability, a sophisticated appearance, and an easy-to-use interface.

You can choose how your files are organized and stored, and you can browse several folders simultaneously in the same window. As needed, you can delete or rename the different layouts indicated by different colors. The best way to retrieve your stuff in the most practical order is through these structures.

Users, content categories, projects, and workflows can each have a layout that is uniquely designed for them. Additionally, you may bookmark particular folders, see the recent file history panel, undo and redo particular activities, preview files with the Spacebar, and combine duplicate items in a folder.

A handy tool for navigating your whole file system is Fileside. Your data will appear in the software just as you saved it. Additionally, it is possible to always see concealed things and the entire path to every location.

The route bar is a clever navigational tool with distinct tabs for "favorite locations" and "recent locations." With these options available to you, you may choose the best directory for moving your files with ease.

Additionally, this file manager allows for the hiding of files, drag-and-drop file navigation and arrangement, and keyboard-only operation. You have the option to modify current settings and create new shortcuts under the "Settings" page.

Get the Full Version For Free

Download the pre-activated installer from one of the sites below, depending on your computer's operating system (Windows or Mac), then execute it.

Download Windows: Click Here

Download MAC: Click Here

The pre-activated installers for the specified freebie version. Run them to access the complete version.

The event expires on January 19, 2023.


  • Only for personal use.
  • You must have to activate it within the giveaway period.
  • If you update you may lose your license.
  • No free tech support.
  • Not for Resale.

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