Aiseesoft AnyCoord Free 1-Year License Code 2023 Giveaway


Aiseesoft AnyCoord is a powerful software tool that helps users easily convert between different coordinate systems. It is designed for professionals and individuals who need to perform conversions between geodetic, cartographic, and projection coordinate systems. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, Aiseesoft AnyCoord provides an efficient and reliable way to perform these conversions.

Support for various coordinate systems is one of Aiseesoft AnyCoord's standout characteristics. It supports more than 400 data and projections, including many others like WGS 84 and NAD 83. This makes it a flexible instrument that may be applied to a variety of tasks, such as navigation, surveying, and mapping.

The capability of Aiseesoft AnyCoord to execute batch conversions is another crucial feature. Users can now convert numerous coordinate values at once, which will save them time and effort. Those that need to process big amounts of data will find this capability to be especially helpful.

Aiseesoft AnyCoord can convert files, but it also has sophisticated tools for data analysis and visualization. This contains instruments for mapping, calculating distances, and charting coordinates. Users can quickly visualize their data and discover patterns and relationships with these tools.

Aiseesoft AnyCoord is a highly adaptable tool that can be adjusted to satisfy the unique requirements of each user. Users can create their own projections, datums, and ellipsoids, for instance, and save them for later use. This makes the software even more productive and efficient by enabling users to operate with their preferred coordinate systems.

For converting between several coordinate systems, Aiseesoft AnyCoord is a flexible, effective, and user-friendly tool. It is a fantastic option for professionals and regular people who need to do these conversions because of its extensive features, a broad range of supported systems, and capacity for batch conversions. Aiseesoft AnyCoord is a crucial tool for any cartographer, surveyor, or geographer's toolset.


  1. With Aiseesoft AnyCoord, changing your location has never been easier. If you are in a different location and unsure of your current location, this software can assist you in setting a virtual location on your iPhone.
  2. There are three different movement modes to choose from, making moving more fun and engaging. These modes are the One-stop Mode, Multi-stop Mode, and Joystick Mode.
  3. The One-stop Mode allows you to choose a starting and ending point, with Aiseesoft AnyCoord automatically creating the route for you. The GPS on your iPhone will then move to the location you selected. You can also use the Zoom in and Zoom out functions to observe locations more precisely.
  4. In Multi-stop Mode, you can select multiple points and connect them to create a custom route. This mode displays a Blue Line and Number on the Map in Aiseesoft AnyCoord.
  5. Joystick Mode lets you control the Joystick on your computer screen using your mouse, without having to choose a point from one or more other points.
  6. If you enjoy playing AR games on iOS devices like Pokemon Go, Aiseesoft AnyCoord can help you plan a moving route for your iPhone’s GPS location. This allows you to play the game as usual, without having to walk. Playing video games and connecting to the real world are both appealing and exciting.

Visit the official homepage:

Get Aiseesoft AnyCoord Free 1-Year License Code

Request a free license code for Aiseesoft AnyCoord by visiting the Aiseesoft giveaway page and entering your name and email. To copy this license, simply check your mailbox.

Now download the software from the official developer's page:

Activate the software after installation to access all features.

That's it. Enjoy the full version !!!


  • Only for personal use.
  • You must have to activate it within the giveaway period.
  • If you update you may lose your license.
  • No free tech support.
  • Not for Resale.

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