Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended Lifetime License Key Activation For Windows & Mac OS


Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended takes the already powerful photo editing software to the next level with a range of new features and enhancements. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most notable features of this software and why it's worth considering for your photo editing needs.


Here are some useful features of Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended:

  • 3D Editing: One of the most significant additions to Photoshop CS6 Extended is its 3D editing capabilities. You can now create 3D models and add depth to 2D images. This feature allows you to create stunning visual effects and add a new dimension to your designs.
  • Video Editing: Photoshop CS6 Extended also includes basic video editing tools, making it a versatile tool for creating multimedia content. You can import and edit video files, add text and graphics, and even create animations.
  • Content-Aware Patch and Move: Content-Aware Patch and Move are two new features that allow you to seamlessly remove and replace unwanted objects in your images. The Patch tool allows you to select an area of your image and fill it with content that matches the surrounding area. The Move tool allows you to select an object and move it to another location in your image while preserving the surrounding content.
  • Blur Gallery: The Blur Gallery is a new set of filters that allows you to add depth of field, tilt-shift, and other types of blurs to your images. This feature adds a new level of creativity to your photo editing process and allows you to create stunning visual effects.
  • Improved Crop Tool: The Crop tool in Photoshop CS6 Extended has been enhanced to make it easier to use and more precise. You can now crop images with greater accuracy, adjust the crop boundary, and even rotate the crop boundary to match the horizon in your image.
  • Adaptive Wide Angle: The Adaptive Wide Angle feature allows you to correct the distortion in wide-angle images. This feature is particularly useful for architectural photography or any other type of photography where distortion is a common issue.

In conclusion, Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended is a powerful photo editing software that offers a range of new features and enhancements. Whether you're a professional photographer or a hobbyist, this software has something to offer. Its 3D editing capabilities, video editing tools, content-aware patch and move, Blur Gallery, improved Crop tool, and Adaptive Wide Angle feature make it a versatile tool for all your photo editing needs. If you're looking for powerful and comprehensive photo editing software, Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended is definitely worth considering.

Download Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended Official Trial

1) Click «HERE» to visit this page first, before clicking on the direct link below – this is critical!

2) If asked, sign in with your Adobe ID or take a minute to create one for yourself (free). You can use Fake emails to create a Fake Adobe ID. 

3) OK! Now you’re logged in at Adobe with the trial cookie set, so you can instantly download the trial software below. Just make sure you have enough disk space.

4) Download the files either by clicking directly on the Direct Download Links, or by right-clicking and choosing “Save Link As…” on the popup menu – and save all files to the same place.

5) Direct Download link:

Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended Official Trial ( Windows )

Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended Official Trial ( Mac OS )

6) Now extract the .7Z file and install it on your system.

7) Run the setup.exe to install Photoshop.

Activation ( Windows + Mac OS ) - Watch the Video

👉 After installation run Photoshop. Take the trial version. And then update it from inside the app.

Important: Now disable your internet connection completely.

👉 Use below license keys to activate the program.


👉 Choose Offline Activation.

👉 Now download (click here) and run the offline keygen in a Virtual Machine Or Windows Sandbox.

NOTE: You can "comment here" or "message us on telegram" your both used license code and Request Code, we will give yoResponse Code.

👉 Copy the license code and Request Code and paste them into the keygen. Generate the Response Code.

👉 Use the Response Code to activate Photoshop.

👉 The last step, block Photoshop using a firewall Or, add these lines to your host file. Enjoy !!!

🔐Keygen Password: @mrfreemium

Video Tutorial

About the Author

Hi, this is Mr. Freemium. If you have any questions related to this blog you can find us here on telegram @mrfreemium Or, you can mail us here: Thank you.


  1. pass
    1. Password is clearly visible in this post, visible just before the tutorial video 🙂
  2. Host file save as txt license rrvoke
    1. Move hosts file to Desktop and edit hosts file and save it. Then again move this to original directory. Carefully watch the video.
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